Tag Search: “corruption”
Do Indian voters mind their representatives getting rich in office?
Asset declarations, requiring politicians to disclose their financial information, are becoming increasingly common across the world. In India, financial declarations are part of public affidavits fil...
Simon Chauchard
S.P. Harish
Marko Klašnja
10 August, 2018
- Articles
Do dishonest people gravitate towards the public sector in India?
The corruption level in the public sector may not only depend on punishments and systems put in place to deter corruption, but also on who chooses to enter the sector. This article finds that people w...
Rema Hanna
Shing-Yi Wang
30 July, 2018
- Articles
Sunlight as disinfectant: Disclosure requirements and corruption in India
It is believed that transparency and free access to information can root out corruption and malfeasance in government. This article finds that the introduction of asset disclosure rules for candidates...
Raymond Fisman
22 June, 2018
- Articles
New ideas for fighting corruption in India
Even as technological innovations have reduced petty bribery, it is clear that bigger forms of corruption are flourishing in India. In this post, Avinash Dixit and Ritika Mankar propose the formation ...
Avinash Dixit
Ritika Mankar
18 May, 2018
- Perspectives
Midday meals scheme: Are corruption claims exaggerated?
Soon after Aadhaar was made compulsory for availing midday meals in schools, the government claimed that the move had helped expose several instances of schools siphoning off funds under the scheme by...
Monika Yadav
31 July, 2017
- Articles
The development disconnect: MNREGA in Bihar's Jamui district
In this note, Amrita Dhiman describes her team’s visit to Jamui district in Bihar – the district that is supposed to have generated the highest number of person-days under MNREGA in its division in 20...
Amrita Dhiman
02 June, 2017
- Notes from the Field
A proposal for public funding of elections and political parties in India
The Finance Minister of India recently introduced measures aimed at cleaning up political party funding in the country. In this article, Gowda and Santhosh highlight the limitations of these measures,...
M.V. Rajeev Gowda
Varun Santhosh
21 April, 2017
- Perspectives
Consumption spikes and election delays
There is ample anecdotal evidence on political parties bribing voters with cash or consumption goods prior to elections, in India and other developing countries. However, there is an expected lack of ...
Shabana Mitra
Anirban Mitra
Arnab Mukherji
20 April, 2017
- Articles
Bidding for roads
This project aims to understand how to make it harder for local politicians to capture small-scale infrastructure projects. In the context of the bidding process for contracts under India’s flagship r...
Oliver Eynde
Jacob Shapiro
31 March, 2017
- IGC Research on India
Bidding for Roads
The project looks into the mechanisms of political influence by analyzing whether contractors without political connections are deterred from applying, or whether the evaluation process is biased in f...
Oliver Eynde
Jonathan Lehne
Jacob Shapiro
31 March, 2017
- IGC Research on India
Building connections: Political corruption and road construction in India
Rural infrastructure programmes of the government create new opportunities for growth but also for corruption. This column studies India’s flagship rural road construction programme and finds evidence...
Oliver Eynde
Jonathan Lehne
Jacob Shapiro
13 September, 2016
- Articles
Food Security Act: How are India's poorest states faring?
The National Food Security Act was passed in 2013. This column reports findings from a recent survey on the status of the Act in six of India’s poorest states. Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and...
Jean Drèze
Prankur Gupta
Reetika Khera
Isabel Pimenta
29 June, 2016
- Articles