Tag Search: “monetary policy”
Foreign investors under stress: Evidence from India
Emerging market policymakers are concerned about the effects of foreign portfolio flows on financial stability. This column focuses on the behaviour of investors in extreme events, allowing for the po...
Ila Patnaik
Ajay Shah
Nirvikar Singh
19 July, 2013
- Articles
A right time for inflation-indexed bonds?
While the introduction of inflation-indexed bonds in India has been hailed by many as a step in the right direction, this column argues that their success will depend on how serious the government is ...
Viral Acharya
Gangadhar Darbha
07 June, 2013
- Perspectives
The market for inflation-indexed bonds
On 15 May 2013, the Reserve Bank of India announced that it would begin monthly issues of inflation-indexed bonds starting June 2013. These bonds, wherein in the principal amount adjusts according to ...
Gurbachan Singh
31 May, 2013
- Articles
The challenges of opening up India's capital account
A key objective for any open economy is to avoid a financial or balance of payments crisis – a goal that often calls for trade-offs between liberalisation and maintaining control of the economy. This...
Abhijit Sen Gupta
Rajeswari Sengupta
15 May, 2013
- Articles
Long term recovery of the Indian economy depends on reforms
The Indian economy has been facing challenges in the form of sluggish growth, high inflation, and rising fiscal and current account deficits. This column highlights trends in the economic conditions,...
Sarah Chan
24 April, 2013
- Articles
Exchange-rate pass-through by Indian and Chinese exporters
The pricing behaviour of exporters in emerging markets confirms that the already well-reported decline in exchange rate sensitivity of import prices is due to export prices becoming more sensitive to ...
Sushanta Mallick
Helena Marques
15 April, 2013
- Articles
Why India should not further delay a credit line from the IMF
India is expected to run a current account deficit of more than 4% of its GDP this year. At the moment this can be paid for with money coming in from abroad – but what if the flow of money were to su...
Gurbachan Singh
03 April, 2013
- Articles
Capital controls in India: Did they work?
Are capital controls the right way to manage an economy? This column looks at what we can learn from India’s experience, where capital controls have never been fully dismantled.
Ila Patnaik
Ajay Shah
21 January, 2013
- Articles
Understanding India's monetary policy
From the outside looking in, it may seem that India’s central bank is making up its own rules, making it difficult to predict the next movements in the interest rate. This column argues that the centr...
Rajeswari Sengupta
Nirvikar Singh
21 December, 2012
- Articles
Monetary policy in India and other developing countries
Setting interest rates and controlling inflation is an altogether different challenge in countries like India. This column argues that in many developing countries, the financial system is still too u...
Prachi Mishra
Peter Montiel
03 September, 2012
- Articles
Measuring India's Capital Control Regime
India’s policies on international capital flows are extremely complex, in part due to the absence of a consensus on the value of capital account controls. This column argues that the tools for measuri...
Nirvikar Singh
23 August, 2012
- Articles
Searching for the soul of monetary policy in India
What is the thinking behind the current policy of the Reserve Bank of India? This column argues that its rules for deciding on India’s interest rates are based on assumptions that hold in developed ec...
Amartya Lahiri
09 August, 2012
- Articles