Contributor : Profile
Jalnidh Kaur is currently a PhD candidate in Economics and Education at Columbia University, and will be starting as an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Economics at Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow. Her research is focused on understanding the role of information and beliefs in shaping educational outcomes in low-income settings, drawing on ideas from psychology and behavioral economics. Jalnidh is a Rhodes scholar, holds an MPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford, and a Bachelors in Economics (Honors) from St. Stephen's College, Delhi.
Posts by Jalnidh Kaur
शिक्षकों का विश्वास कैसे प्रेरणा और छात्रों के सीखने को आकार दे सकता है
शिक्षक का प्रयास छात्रों के सीखने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है, जबकि साक्ष्य दर्शाते हैं कि शिक्षक स्वयं ऐसा नहीं मानते हैं। इस लेख में शिक्षकों पर लक्षित मनो-सामाजिक हस्तक्षेप से जुड़े एक यादृच्छिक प्रयोग से...
Jalnidh Kaur
01 अगस्त, 2024
- लेख
How teachers’ beliefs can shape motivation and student learning
While teacher effort is crucial for student learning, evidence suggests that this is not what teachers themselves believe. This article presents findings from a randomised experiment involving a psych...
Jalnidh Kaur
06 May, 2024
- Articles