Tag Search: “jobs”
Growing through cities in India
Do cities grow through specialisation or diversity? This column measures specialisation and diversity for the manufacturing and services sectors in India. It finds that Indian districts with a broade...
Ejaz Ghani
William Kerr
Ishani Tewari
20 June, 2014
- Articles
MNREGA: Populist leaky bucket or successful anti-poverty programme?
MNREGA – the world’s largest workfare programme - formed the backbone of the UPA government’s anti-poverty programme, and may well represent its most important legacy in the long run. This column rev...
Dilip Mookherjee
28 May, 2014
- Articles
The costs of employment protection
Restrictive labour laws govern the formal sector in India, whereas the informal sector is virtually unregulated. This column analyses the impact of reforms pertaining to employment protection legisla...
Sean Dougherty
Veronica Frisancho
Kala Krishna
30 April, 2014
- Articles
The puzzle of declining labour intensity in organised Indian manufacturing
It is surprising to note that labour intensity in the organised manufacturing sector in India, particularly in industries with greater labour requirements, has shown a sustained decline over the past...
Kunal Sen
25 April, 2014
- Articles
Losing one half of India's demographic dividend
The working-age population in India is set to increase by more than 200 million over the next two decades. This column contends that India may fail to reap the benefits of this demographic dividend b...
Jayan Jose Thomas
21 April, 2014
- Articles
Can MNREGA improve credit worthiness of participating households?
Based on household survey data from West Bengal, this column analyses the impact of MNREGA on economic outcomes of participating households. It finds that the ‘local’, ‘guaranteed’ and ‘government-re...
Subhasish Dey
11 April, 2014
- Articles
Growth, structural change, and poverty reduction: Evidence from India
Poverty reduction in India has been relatively slow even in years of high economic growth. A possible explanation is that growth has mainly been driven by sectors that generate fewer jobs for the poo...
Abhijit Sen Gupta
Rana Hasan
21 March, 2014
- Articles
What makes cities more competitive in India?
Policymakers in both developed and developing countries want to make cities more competitive, attract new entrepreneurs, boost economic growth, and promote job creation. This column shows that the two...
Ejaz Ghani
William Kerr
Stephen D O'Connell
07 March, 2014
- Articles
Can SMEs drive India's growth?
Investment, particularly by the corporate sector in India, drove high growth rates during 2003-2009. Given the expected slow and weak recovery of the global economy, Indian corporates are unlikely to...
Pronab Sen
12 February, 2014
- Articles
Expanding productive employment in India
While India’s relatively high growth has not entirely been ‘jobless’, employment generation has been low, and mostly in the form of informal jobs. This column examines the employment experience of In...
Mahendra Dev
20 January, 2014
- Articles
The crisis in Indian manufacturing
Manufacturing sector growth in India has fallen from over 9% to a dismal 1% in the past couple of years. This article discusses the factors that have caused a slowdown in organised and unorganised ma...
Jayan Jose Thomas
13 December, 2013
- Perspectives
Can India grow faster again?
India’s growth prospects seem gloomy. This article argues that India can grow fast again even in the current global economic climate as it is different from other emerging economies in a number of imp...
Nirvikar Singh
06 December, 2013
- Perspectives