Contributor : Profile
Professor Pushkar Maitra’s primary research areas are Development Economics, Population Economics, Experimental Economics and Applied Econometrics. A large part of his research has tried to quantify the impact of institutions on both individuals and households. His current research focuses on evaluating alternative methods of providing credit to the rural poor and the effects of labour market training programmes. His current research is often experimental in nature and/or involves the rigorous econometric analysis of large data sets. Professor Maitra has also been involved in survey work: he was the chief investigator for a survey of migrants and networks in Cape Town South Africa and currently for a survey of agricultural productivity in West Bengal, India and on labour market outcomes of women in New Delhi, India.
Posts by Pushkar Maitra
राजनीतिक पद का समय और बेईमानी में लैंगिक अंतर: स्थानीय राजनीति से प्राप्त साक्ष्य
राजनीति में महिलाओं की हिस्सेदारी अधिक होना वर्तमान साहित्य में कम भ्रष्टाचार का संकेत माना गया है | ईमानदारी को एक अंतर्निहित या स्थिर चरित्र विशेषता के रूप में देखा जाता है। हालाँकि, पश्चिम बंगाल मे...
- Ananish Chaudhuri Vegard Iversen Francesca R. Jensenius Pushkar Maitra
- 20 दिसंबर, 2022
- लेख
Time in office and gender gap in dishonesty: Evidence from local politics
Existing literature associates a higher share of women in politics with lower corruption; honesty is viewed as an inherent or static character trait. However, using information collected from 400 elec...
- Ananish Chaudhuri Vegard Iversen Francesca R. Jensenius Pushkar Maitra
- 16 November, 2022
- Articles
2021 पश्चिम बंगाल विधानसभा चुनाव: क्या कोविड-19 के बढ़ने से प्रभाव पड़ा?
पश्चिम बंगाल राज्य में हुए हाल के विधानसभा चुनावों में सत्तारूढ़ तृणमूल कांग्रेस विजयी हुई है। इस लेख में घटक और मैत्रा ने 2016, 2019, तथा 2021 के चुनावी आंकड़ों का उपयोग करते हुए, चुनाव लड़ने वाले दल...
- Maitreesh Ghatak Pushkar Maitra
- 27 मई, 2021
- दृष्टिकोण
2021 West Bengal Assembly election: Did the Covid-19 surge matter?
In the recent Assembly elections in the state of West Bengal, the ruling Trinamool Congress bucked an anti-incumbency headwind to secure victory. Using electoral data from 2016, 2019, and 2021, Ghata...
- Maitreesh Ghatak Pushkar Maitra
- 12 May, 2021
- Perspectives
कोयला आधारित बिजली इकाइयों से प्रदूषण और बच्चों एवं महिलाओं की एनीमिक स्थिति
स्वास्थ्य पर वायु प्रदूषण के प्रभाव को व्यापक रूप से शोध-साहित्य में जगह मिली है। जहां अन्य अध्ययनों में मुख्य रूप से सामान्य रुग्णता और मृत्यु दर जैसे परिणामों पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया है, यह लेख ...
- Sourangsu Chowdhury Gaurav Datt Sagnik Dey Pushkar Maitra Nidhiya Menon Ranjan Ray
- 07 जनवरी, 2021
- लेख
Pollution from coal-based power units and anaemic status of children and women
An extensive literature has considered the impact of air pollution on health. While studies have mainly focussed on outcomes such as general morbidity and mortality, this article evaluates the impact ...
- Sourangsu Chowdhury Gaurav Datt Sagnik Dey Pushkar Maitra Nidhiya Menon Ranjan Ray
- 02 December, 2020
- Articles
महिलाओं का कितना नुकसान? भारत में निजी स्कूलों में नामांकन का विश्लेषण
सरकारी स्कूलों की खराब स्थिति और निजी स्कूलों की स्पष्ट दक्षता को देखते हुए, भारतीय माता-पिता द्वारा अपने बच्चों को निजी स्कूलों में भेजना तेज़ी से बढ़ रहा है। यह आलेख 2005-2012 के दौरान 7-18 वर्ष की ...
- Pushkar Maitra Sarmistha Pal Anurag Sharma
- 19 मार्च, 2020
- लेख
Using intermediaries to deliver credit
Communities are monitoring service providers, and local governments are delivering development and welfare programmes in developing countries. This article indicates the potential value of enlarging t...
- Pushkar Maitra Sandip Mitra Dilip Mookherjee Sujata Visaria
- 02 March, 2020
- Articles
Impact of Elite Capture on the Provision of Public Services
The Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project commonly called JEEViKA, is a community-driven poverty reduction programme with the key aim of improving the social and economic empowerment of the rural poor.
- Lata Gangadharan Tarun Jain Pushkar Maitra Joseph Vecci
- 31 March, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Whither female disadvantage? An analysis of private school enrolment in India
Given the poor condition of government schools and the perceived efficiency of private schools, Indian parents are increasingly choosing to send their children to private schools. This column examines...
- Pushkar Maitra Sarmistha Pal Anurag Sharma
- 07 October, 2016
- Articles
The growing problem of excess weight in India
The Indian population is increasingly becoming overweight or obese, and this phenomenon is likely to impose a considerable health burden in the future. Analysing data from the Indian Human Development...
- Pushkar Maitra Nidhiya Menon
- 27 June, 2016
- Articles
Citizens' trust in local politicians and implications for good governance
The new state of Telangana was carved out of Andhra Pradesh in June 2014, after a prolonged movement by the people of Telangana region for a separate state. Based on field experiments among citizens ...
- Lata Gangadharan Tarun Jain Pushkar Maitra Joseph Vecci
- 10 June, 2015
- Articles