Tag Search: “Firms”

The Golden Quadrilateral: Highway to success

The Golden Quadrilateral, which connects four major cities in India, is the fifth-longest highway in the world. This column presents research that finds that by improving connectivity, the highway ha...

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What do Indian CEOs do?

While the Indian manufacturing sector has experienced rapid growth since the early 1990s, it is characterised by large productivity differences across firms and presence of several low productivity f...

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Foreign investors under stress: Evidence at the firm level

Emerging market policymakers have been concerned about the financial stability implications of financial globalisation. These concerns are focussed particularly on behaviour under stressed conditions.

  • IGC Research on India

Helping India's informal manufacturing sector to grow

India’s informal manufacturing sector is dominated by small household enterprises that keep everything within the family – but these firms are often the least productive. Why aren’t these small enterp...

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How Important are credit constraints for small firm growth?

This project focusses on the role of financial constraints in determining the lack of transition of firms from the very small family firms (OAMEs) which are the predominant type of firms in the inform...

  • IGC Research on India

Manufacturing, management and mysteries

The private sector is crucial to India’s development. This column asks how it can be more effective. Looking at a large sample of Indian manufacturers it suggests that what many firms may be missing i...

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Management practices in retail, education and healthcare sectors in India

This project presents an in-depth descriptive look at the state of management practices in India. Using a unique dataset measuring the quality of management practices across countries and sectors, it ...

  • IGC Research on India

What do Indian CEOs do? Time Use of Indian Top Executives: Determinants and Implications for Growth

This project presents evidence on the labour supply of CEOs, and on whether family and professional CEOs differ on this dimension. It does so through a new survey instrument that allows it to codify C...

  • IGC Research on India

Improving Access to Finance for Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries

One of the most important issues in developing countries is how to finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Although microcredit and new forms of financial inclusion are increasingly prominent in ...

  • IGC Research on India

Making good management stick: Evidence from India

A long-standing question in social science is to what extent differences in management cause differences in firm performance. To investigate this, researchers ran a management field experiment on larg...

  • IGC Research on India

Developing and Analyzing Firm Level Moments on Productivity and Reallocation

Productivity growth is the main driver of long-run increases in per capita income and welfare. This project investigates the effect of idiosyncratic (firm-level) policy distortions on aggregate outcom...

  • IGC Research on India