Tag Search: “public health”
Delivering health services through schools in rural India
Given that India has better infrastructure for schooling relative to healthcare, and near universal primary school enrolment rates, many believe that providing basic health services through schools ra...
- Anjini Kochar
- 04 October, 2013
- Articles
Tuberculosis control in India: More bang for bucks than simply saving lives
India has one of the world’s worst records on tuberculosis. This column presents recommendations for how to fight it more cost effectively.
- Ramanan Laxminarayan Arindam Nandi
- 27 May, 2013
- Articles
India's disputed ruling on pharmaceuticals and patents
On April 1 2013, the Supreme Court of India rejected the attempt by Novartis, the Swiss pharmaceutical company, to patent a new version of the leukemia drug Glivec. The verdict follows previous rulin...
- Arvind Subramanian
- 10 April, 2013
- Perspectives
Gender Differences in Health Investments: Evidence from Health Care Providers in India
A central feature of many developing countries is the presence of significant gender differentials in health outcomes. One potential factor which can account for this is that females seek treatment la...
- Rajshri Jayaraman Debraj Ray Shing-Yi Wang
- 01 March, 2013
- IGC Research on India
Piloting a novel delivery mechanism of a critical public health service in India: arsenic testing of tubewell water in the field for a fee
The goal of this project was to determine the willingness of rural households in the state of Bihar, India, to have their tubewell tested for arsenic for a fee.
- Alexander van Geen Chander Kumar Singh
- 01 February, 2013
- IGC Research on India
India's five-year plan-what's the big deal?
‘Faster, inclusive, and more sustainable growth’ is the defining motto of India’s latest economic plan. But how will it work? This column outlines the five big ideas in India’s Five-Year Plan.
- Varad Pande
- 17 December, 2012
- Articles
South Asia's bottom half billion
South Asia has more people in extreme poverty than Sub-Saharan Africa. This column asks why such conditions continue in the second fastest growing region in the world. It argues that growth is extreme...
- Ejaz Ghani
- 09 November, 2012
- Articles
The root of poverty: Ruinous healthcare costs
While natural disasters and political turmoil rightly grab our attention, this column shows that it is everyday events that drag most people into poverty. For many, the first of these is illness and t...
- Anirudh Krishna
- 26 October, 2012
- Articles
The Enigma of Malnutrition in India
This project uses data from 2004 to 2014 for 26 countries to make comparisons between South Asia and Africa, examining how the regional gap in child malnutrition varies with demographic and other char...
- Seema Jayachandran Rohini Pande
- 01 July, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Women's Reservations in Bihar and Children's Health Outcomes
This project investigates the impact of political decentralization and gender quota in local governance on different measures of health outcomes and behaviors. The findings of the prioject are consist...
- Santosh Kumar Nishith Prakash
- 01 June, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Improving Access to and Measuring the Impact of Public Health Insurance in India
This project aims to add to the broad literature on improving the quality of public services by looking at the effect of providing incentives to agents for spreading information regarding a government...
- Erlend Berg Maitreesh Ghatak D Rajasekhar Sanchari Roy
- 01 April, 2011
- IGC Research on India
Improving Access to and Measuring the Impact of Public Health Insurance in India
This project aims to add to the broad literature on improving the quality of public services by looking at the effect of providing incentives to agents for spreading information regarding a government...
- Erlend Berg Maitreesh Ghatak D Rajasekhar Sanchari Roy
- 01 April, 2011
- IGC Research on India