Tag Search: “public service delivery”
PDS computerisation: What other states can learn from Kerala
Given the leakage in the Public Distribution System, Indian states are being encouraged to computerise their PDS. This column analyses Kerala’s experience with PDS computerisation and highlights mech...
Silvia Masiero
06 July, 2015
- Articles
Citizens' trust in local politicians and implications for good governance
The new state of Telangana was carved out of Andhra Pradesh in June 2014, after a prolonged movement by the people of Telangana region for a separate state. Based on field experiments among citizens ...
Lata Gangadharan
Tarun Jain
Pushkar Maitra
Joseph Vecci
10 June, 2015
- Articles
How effective are gram sabhas?
Village panchayats across India are mandated to organise local public meetings called gram sabhas several times a year, wherein villagers discuss issues such as local public good provision. This colu...
Sabyasachi Das
06 May, 2015
- Articles
14th Finance Commission: A trust-based approach towards local governments
The 14th Finance Commission has been hailed as ‘path-breaking’ for recommending larger fund allocations to state governments and giving them more autonomy in spending these funds. In this article, Me...
Meera Mehta
Dinesh Mehta
27 April, 2015
- Perspectives
The Chhattisgarh experience and the National Food Security Act
Many of the reforms introduced under the National Food Security Act are modeled on PDS reforms implemented in Chhattisgarh. These reforms are widely believed to be responsible for the state’s success...
Prasad Krishnamurthy
Vikram Pathania
Sharad Tandon
20 April, 2015
- Articles
Getting centre-state relations right for health in India
The 14th Finance Commission has recommended devolving a greater share of revenues to states in order to give them more control over spending. In this article, Amanda Glassman and Anit Mukherjee exami...
Amanda Glassman
Anit Mukherjee
01 April, 2015
- Perspectives
Strategically greasing the wheels: The political economy of India’s rural employment guarantee scheme
Inefficient and capacity-constrained bureaucracies often pose a significant hurdle to the effective implementation of anti-poverty programmes in developing countries.
Aditya Dasgupta
James Robinson
31 March, 2015
- IGC Research on India
Modi's economic reforms: Foundation laid but time running out
Anticipation is running high that the Modi government will announce sweeping economic reforms in their first full-year budget, especially since their tenure so far has been bereft of any dramatic cha...
Eswar Prasad
27 February, 2015
- Perspectives
Public spending on health coverage: Are we raising the right questions?
The National Health Assurance Mission – India’s first move towards Universal Health Coverage – is expected to be launched soon. In this context, this column analyses the extent, distribution and qual...
Samik Chowdhury
Indrani Gupta
13 February, 2015
- Articles
Big and small ideas in development economics: Theory, evidence and practice
Karthik Muralidharan, Associate Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego speaks with Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, World Bank and former Chief Economic A...
Kaushik Basu
Karthik Muralidharan
03 February, 2015
- Videos
Transforming landholding agricultural workers into farmers
Some believe that MNREGA has negatively impacted agriculture by reducing the supply of labour available for farm work. This column refutes this view and argues that MNREGA has enabled agricultural wo...
Ravi Kumar
07 January, 2015
- Articles
An economist's view on the new government's initiatives
In this article, Pranab Bardhan, Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, provides his perspective on some of the initiatives of the new Indian government at the centre in their fi...
Pranab Bardhan
19 December, 2014
- Perspectives