
India Sustainable Growth Conference, 2-4 May 2024

  • Blog Post Date 22 April, 2024
  • Editors Corner
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Hosted by the International Growth Centre, LSE STICERD’s Economics of Environment and Energy Programme, University of Warwick and Indian Statistical Institute, the India Sustainable Growth Conference will be held at the London School of Economics and Political Science during 2-4 May 2024. This conference serves as a platform for sharing ground-breaking ideas on sustainable economic growth and the environment, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities in India. It will bring together policymakers, academic leaders, and industry experts to discuss innovative research and strategies. 

For more information, and to register please click here.

As a part of the India Sustainable Growth Conference, I4I also hosted a three-part blog series in collaboration with the IGC blog

The why and how of environmental protection: Examining the evidence

Nalini Gulati

This post summarises a selection of studies on the adverse impact of environmental degradation on human health as well as economic outcomes, followed by ideas from research on how effective policy design and implementation can mitigate the damage and enable conservation of the environment.

India’s opportunity for sustainable growth

Tim Dobermann & Nikita Sharma

This post contends that it is important for India to choose a growth trajectory that prioritises raising living standards while minimising environmental decline, and discuss how innovations in at least two areas – energy and conservation – are helping India realise this opportunity.

Going green while being in the red

Parikshit Ghosh

This post advocates for a holistic approach that harmonises India’s environmental policy, social safety nets, and macroeconomic management, and - given the difficulty of predicting where and when climate-related needs will arise - puts forth the idea of a consolidated green fund for the country.

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