Tag Search: “growth”

Union Budget 2025-26: Many small measures but lacks big ideas

The Finance Minister recently presented the Union Budget for 2025-26. In this post, Rajeswari Sengupta notes that the most significant aspect of this Budget is the fiscal stimulus aimed at middle-clas...

  • Perspectives

Third Ashok Kotwal Memorial Lecture: Voluntary Carbon Markets: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Economies

The Ashok Kotwal Memorial Lecture was instituted in 2022, in memory of our founding Editor-in-Chief, as an annual lecture on key issues in development. For the third edition on 11 December 2024, Profe...

  • Videos

Feminisation of India’s industrial workforce

In recent years, the average annual growth rate in manufacturing employment has exceeded that of aggregate employment in India. In this post, Goldar and Aggarwal demonstrate that this trend is accompa...

  • Perspectives

Making sense of the 2024 Economics Nobel

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson “for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity”. In this post, Pulapre Balakrishnan evaluates th...

  • Articles

Economics Nobel 2024: Igniting discussion beyond the academy

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson “for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity”. In this post, Patrick Francois contend that the...

  • Perspectives

The agricultural productivity gap: Informality matters

There are various explanations in the literature for the observed productivity gap between agriculture and other sectors, in developing countries. Using Indian data, this article questions the standar...

  • Articles

Post-Covid informal manufacturing growth: How states fared

Recently released official data show an expansion in informal manufacturing in India in the post-pandemic period. In this post, Goldar and Aggarwal conduct a cross-state analysis and highlight that Bi...

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The problem of India’s stagnant real wages

New data from the Labour Bureau and the National Sample Survey Office point to a virtual stagnation of real wages in India over the past decade. In this post, Das and Drèze argue that this trend point...

  • Perspectives

How can India become a manufacturing powerhouse?

India’s manufacturing sector has been stagnant over the past 20 years, in terms of contribution to national output as well as employment generation. In this article, Ejaz Ghani locates the explanation...

  • Perspectives

Economic development of Punjab: Prospects and policies

While the north Indian state of Punjab topped per-capita income rankings within the country until year 2000, its position fell consistently thereafter. This article discusses the current state of Punj...

  • Perspectives

Rethinking social safety nets in a changing society

This paper was coauthored by Debasis Barik, Pallavi Choudhuri, Bijay Chouhan, Om Prakash Sharma, Dinesh Kumar Tiwari (NCAER) and Sharan Sharma (University of Maryland College Park and NCAER). Histori...

  • Articles

Ideas@IPF2024 series: Research from NCAER’s India Policy Forum

Every year, National Council of Applied Economic Research hosts the India Policy Forum, a platform where economists and policymakers dissect research ideas for their relevance to public policy. Follo...

  • Symposium