Tag Search: “governance”
I4I Event: What is the way forward for the Indian economy?
On Tuesday, 18 December 2018, I4I is organising a Panel Discussion on ‘The Way forward for the Indian economy’, in Delhi. The panellists are K.P. Krishnan (Ministry of Skill Development and Entreprene...
Ashok Kotwal
17 December, 2018
- Perspectives
Providing information on school quality in a dysfunctional public education system
Insufficient school accountability and limited parental awareness of school quality can result in poor learning outcomes of students. This article reports the results of a randomised experiment in rur...
Farzana Afridi
18 October, 2018
- Articles
An offline alternative for Aadhaar-based biometric authentication
While decision on the constitutionality of Aadhaar by the Supreme Court of India remains a matter of speculation, it has become abundantly clear that most of the use cases for Aadhaar-based biometric ...
Subhashis Banerjee
Subodh V. Sharma
24 September, 2018
- Perspectives
Who does not get caught by social safety nets?
While implementation failure is an oft-cited reason for low coverage rates of welfare programmes, even relatively well-implemented programmes can fail to reach intended recipients. Based on an experim...
Sarika Gupta
14 May, 2018
- Articles
Evaluating the Effects of Targeted Transfers to 'Mahadalits' in Bihar
The aim of this project is to examine how the transfer of assets to ultra-poor households under different Mahadalit inititatives influences their sense of well-being and their notions of identity. The...
Hemanshu Kumar
Rohini Somanathan
01 June, 2013
- IGC Research on India