Tag Search: “Technology”

Property rights and technology transfer: Evidence from developing countries

The transfer of technology to poorer countries is essential for development. This column asks how this process is affected by intellectual property rights and whether the data can provide some policy ...

  • Articles

Use of technology to improve public service delivery

How is technology being used to improve public service delivery at the grass root level? In this Note from the Field, the Prime Minister’s Rural Development Fellows that are working with district admi...

  • Notes from the Field

Schematic Natural Hazard Zonation of Bihar using Geoinformatics

The objective of this prooject was to understand the occurrence of natural hazards in Bihar. The output of this project may act as a basis for the formulation of Natural Hazards Preparedness Plan to m...

  • IGC Research on India

US-China relations: Role reversal will slow climate change

This column proposes a new approach to climate change that involves China, and eventually other developing countries, offering inducements to the West to take steps to foster a private-sector led gree...

  • Articles

Cash Transfers - through the postal system or the banks?

The central government has announced the conversion of 29 poverty schemes to Direct Cash Transfers. Should this be implemented through banks or the postal system? This article assesses the pros and co...

  • Notes from the Field

The impacts of linking NREGA payments to UID. A Study of Maharashtra

This project attempts to measure the impact of Universal Identification (UID)-linked wage payments on corruption in public works projects funded under MNREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act)....

  • IGC Research on India

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: is it working?

MNREGA is one of the government´s largest flagship schemes, and is the largest job creation programme of its kind in the world. Supporters believe that it is necessary to help rural workers smooth inc...

  • Symposium

Cutting delays in MNREGA wages

Officials in charge of paying MNREGA wages in the state of Andhra Pradesh can now expect to receive fines if there are delays. This column shows how this move was made possible by a simple automated s...

  • Articles

The value of land administration information for financial development

While the effect of improved property rights on economic development has been extensively studied, the specific relationship between better land administration information and improved credit access i...

  • Articles

Corruption and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Corruption continues to strangle India’s public finances. This column presents evidence of embezzlement in India’s flagship rural employment programme and suggests new ways policymakers can test what ...

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