Tag Search: “financial inclusion”
Challenges and priorities for financial sector reform in India
I4I Editor Nirvikar Singh (Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz) interviews K.P. Krishnan (Former Additional Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance) on the central ...
K.P. Krishnan
Nirvikar Singh
17 November, 2014
- Perspectives
Slow and steady: Lessons from MNREGA
As the new government in India is considering changes to MNREGA, it is timely to reflect on its implementation trajectory so far. In this note, Adhikari and Sabhikhi discuss five aspects of programme...
Anindita Adhikari
Inayat Sabhikhi
10 November, 2014
- Notes from the Field
How well does DBT work on the ground?
PM Modi has emphasised fast-tracking roll-out of the Adhaar-based Direct Benefits Transfer programme. In this note, Sweta Trayambak – who has worked with the district administration of Ramgarh in Jha...
Sweta Trayambak
04 August, 2014
- Notes from the Field
Financial inclusion of women: Myth or reality?
Research indicates that initiatives targeted at financial inclusion of women have had limited success. This column contends that limited formal ownership of material assets by women and a lack of und...
Deepti KC
Mudita Tiwari
04 July, 2014
- Articles
Can MNREGA improve credit worthiness of participating households?
Based on household survey data from West Bengal, this column analyses the impact of MNREGA on economic outcomes of participating households. It finds that the ‘local’, ‘guaranteed’ and ‘government-re...
Subhasish Dey
11 April, 2014
- Articles
How innovations in telecom can promote inclusive growth
Applications of Information and Communications Technology, such as mobile banking, have potential to promote inclusive growth and equity. This column analyses conditions under which innovations in IC...
Ashima Goyal
28 March, 2014
- Articles
Estimating losses to consumers due to mis-sold life insurance policies
Mis-selling of financial products has prompted regulators in India to work on consumer protection in financial markets. However, evidence on actual mechanisms and extent of mis-selling is lacking. Th...
Monika Halan
Renuka Sane
Susan Thomas
19 February, 2014
- Articles
Changing dynamics of the Indian gold market
The demand for gold and its import have been on the rise in India, despite rising gold prices. The RBI has responded by introducing various measures to curb the demand for gold and gold loans. This co...
Misha Sharma
13 January, 2014
- Articles
Migrating out of poverty: The role of finance
Financial liberalisation has been controversial as it is not clear whom the expanded credit allocation actually benefits. Using variation across time and states in India, this column finds strong evid...
Meghana Ayyagiri
Thorsten Beck
Mohammad Hoseini
13 September, 2013
- Articles
Willingness to pay for index-based crop microinsurance in India
Given the significance of the agricultural sector in India and its vulnerability, an adequate and sustainable risk management system is critical. However, uptake of microinsurance is quite low. This c...
Janani Ramasubramanian
22 April, 2013
- Articles
Saving Behaviour in India: Understanding the differences across castes
The past three decades in India have witnessed a sharp reduction in the historically large gaps in the education levels, occupation choices and wages of the backward castes relative to the rest of the...
Viktoria Hnatkovska
Amartya Lahiri
01 March, 2013
- IGC Research on India
Helping the poor to save
Do poor people save? This column portrays the saving and financial behaviours and preferences of the poor. It recommends designing and marketing savings products that address the constraints they curr...
Parul Agarwal
Deepti KC
Mudita Tiwari
23 January, 2013
- Articles